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                Liu Qingsheng, the Standing Committee of Shenzhen Municipal Committee and Deputy
                On March 20, 2018, Liu Qingsheng, the standing committee of Shenzhen municipal committee and deputy mayor of Shenzhen, visited Han’s Motion. Under the reception of Gao Yunfeng, chairman of Han’s Group, Liu Qingsheng visited product exhibition hall and R&D center of Han’s Motion. 

                During the visiting, Gao Yunfent introduced core technology, construction progress and current achievement of Han’s Motion to Liu Qingsheng. Also, the Deputy Mayor and Gao Yunfeng paid special attention to industry status and development prospects and had a further discussion on these important issues. 

                It was said Han’s Motion team, on the basis of theoretical calculation and finite element analysis, combined sophisticated detection system to obtain a large amount of test data, used multi-objective regression optimization method to successfully break non-standard design difficulties of double arc, and developed harmonic reducers with breakthrough. By far, Han’s Motion has independently developed 8 series and 18 models of speed ratio. And now there are more than 100 kinds of reducers in total. 

                Liu Qingsheng, the deputy mayor, gave his most attention to the R&D center of Han’s Motion. There he learned about the production and processing ability and visited many large precision equipment and independently developed detection equipment by company. Then he gave high praise to the strategy of grasping late-mover advantage, attacking core technology problem of harmonic reducer and promoting domestication. In addition, he encouraged Han’s Motion to insist on innovation drive and make more contribution to the development of China’s high-end manufacturing industry. 

                After going through a lot of market challenges and inspections, Han’s Motion harmonic reducers now have reached the level of foreign similar products in the key technologies including product precision, lifetime, stability and noise control. And its technical index ranks first in China.
                With the corporate values of “Exquisite & Ingenious”, Han’s Motion closely grasps the market needs, positively catches up with international advanced standard, deeply advances harmonic reducer business and optimizes product quality to make its products compete with foreign brands, which is not only the mission of Han’s Laser as national enterprise, but also the spirit of Han’s Motion.