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                About Warranty

                Warranty and warranty scope of Han's harmonic reducer are shown as followings:

                 1. Warranty 
                If the product is in normal assembly status as described in User Manual and used in lubricating condition, the warranty would be 1 year after delivery or the product operating time reaching 8000 hours, and the one reaching first will prevail. 
                2. Warranty scope 
                During warranty, our company will assume responsibilities for product maintenance and replacement if the product is faulty because of manufacturing defects.
                But the followings are not covered by warranty.
                (1) Fault caused by user’s improper operation or improper use;
                (2) Fault not caused by modification or repair of our company;
                (3) Fault not caused by the product itself;
                (4) Fault caused by natural disaster other than our company.
                The maintenance mentioned here is limited to the maintenance of the product. So other loss caused by the product fault, and the labor-hour and expense related to dismounting on the equipment will not be assumed by our company.   

                Where can i get help, when i need technical support?

                Technical service hotline: 86-755-8666736-818
                • Han's Motion owns mature solution team, senior engineers and rich experience. They can provide high-efficient and professional comprehensive customized solution based on customer's needs. 
                • Differentiated technical demands always exist, but we will try our best to help you optimize the option for product and realize the value optimization of product purchased. 
                • Han's Motion team engineers provides customers with all-year-around comprehensive and extensive technical support, quickly responds to customer’s feedback and handles the help information in time. Through the technical engineer's communication guidance, it will arrive at the scene when necessary, quickly solve the problems that arise in the installation process, and enable the equipment to quickly resume production.