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                User privacy policy
                Protecting the privacy of users is a basic policy for user services on this site. We respect and protect users' personal privacy and solemnly promise that Han Precision Drive will not disclose or disclose its registration information and non-public content stored on the user platform of this website to a third party without authorization from a legitimate user, but the following except:
                (1) When the user's behavior on this site violates the "Administrative Measures for the Computer Network's International Network Security Protection," and the "Administrative Measures for Internet Information Services," or may damage or obstruct the interests of other users or cause damage to others, the disclosure of the user Personal data is necessary to identify, contact or take legal action.
                (2) This site has comprehensive technical protection measures and security maintenance mechanisms to ensure the content of user information. However, due to network lines, hacker attacks, computer viruses, government regulations, etc., the user's data is leaked, lost, stolen or tampered with. Etc., this site does not assume any legal responsibility.
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