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                Service: drive value improvemen

                With the tenet of "provide customers with first-class products and professional ser vice" and the service ideal of "customer first, professional and considerable, fast and efficient, and full life circle", Han's Motion has been providing customers with considerable full-life-circle services including presales, sales and aftersales services since its establishment.

                Presales service

                Customer service center
                This is the information center for us communicating with you.In order to deliver the ser vice infor mation cor rectly and efficiently, we divide it into several par ts, including product consultancy center, technical suppor t center, equipment maintenance center and complaint and advice center. We are always prepared for your calling and providing one-stop professional ser vices including product introduction, price inquiring, technical support, customization needs and solutions,
                troubleshooting, repair, par ts consultancy and sales, product complaint and service complaint.
                Comprehensive customized technical solution
                Han's Motion owns mature solution team, senior engineers and rich experience. They can provide high-efficient and professional comprehensive customized solution based on customer’s needs.

                Selling service

                Consultative selling
                Differentiated technical demands always exist, but we will try our best to help you optimize the option for product and realize the value optimization of product purchased.
                Simplified Transportation
                We provide professional on-door service. We will, to a large extent, make sure the product is delivered to you correctly and quickly through choosing convenient and quick transportation way. 
                Considerate installation
                We provide customer with detailed product installation information and quickly solve the problem caused during installation through communication with and guidance of technical engineer and sometimes they will go to the installation site when necessar y so as to realize the quick use of equipment.

                After-sales service

                Technical hotline
                Han's Motion team engineers provides customers with all-year-around comprehensive and extensive technical support, quickly responds to customer’s feedback and handles the help information in time. 
                On-site service
                Make sure shortest responding time, quickly arrive in service site, provide installation guide, operation debugging, troubleshooting, product maintenance and technical upgrading services, provide preventative maintenance service to product in time to avoid fault during normal operation, and improve the equipment production capacity to the maximum.  
                Spare parts in-time delivery
                We have complete product spare parts center that ensures we can send what you need in time when there is a fault in equipment so as to shorten the production interruption time because of equipment fault.