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                Shenzhen Han's Motion Technology Co., Ltd.(or Han's Motion for short) is a subsidiary of Han’s Laser Technology Industry Group Co., Ltd. Its registered capital is 50 million Yuan (RMB), specializing in manufacturing and sales of precision reducers and devices, robotic systems, and electromechanical equipment.       

                Our company has strong professional and technical strength, has excellent R&D and management team, and has introduced a number of world-class processing and testing equipment from abroad, and established an industrial robot engineering laboratory. In addition, it has established cooperation with the University of Tokyo and the University of Tsukuba. Close cooperation between industry, university and research institutes.

                At present, there are a number of software copyrights and invention patents. The industry has won many awards such as the Industrial Design "Red Sails Award" Technology Innovation Award, the Golden Finger Innovation Product Award, and the World Robotics Congress's Most Innovative Product Award.

                The products are sold to domestic and foreign markets, and the number of customers has reached more than 300. It is widely used in robotics, communication equipment, medical equipment, testing and analysis equipment and other fields. Based on the corporate philosophy of “Innovative Craftsmanship”, Motivated by a desire of "sophisticated craftsmanship", we will continuously enhance product value and service, and strive to become the most reliable exper t of precision harmonic drive in the world.